PHA conference 2025
WHEN: 25-26 October 2025
WHERE: Darwin - Larrakia Country
THEME: Hot Histories
Conference attendees in Adelaide, 2023.
PHA members around Australia are invited to submit proposals for papers to be delivered at the forthcoming national conference. The conference will be held in collaboration with the annual history colloquium History Talks in Darwin on Larrakia Country, on 25 and 26 October 2025.
We are seeking papers and presentations on the theme of Hot Histories and invite members to share insights from their work on passion projects, hot topics, controversial histories, stories from the ‘steamy’ north (of Capricorn), professional challenges, love in the archives, and any history-related work that has raised your temperature.
The PHA conference is a great way to share all aspects of our work as professional historians, showcasing the diversity of the work we undertake and exploring the challenges we face, from contract negotiations, media appearances, large commissions, heritage work, oral history, exhibitions, walking tours, websites, films/documentaries, workshops/teaching and beyond.
Abstracts for papers and presentations are due by 4 April 2025. The conference organising committee will review and select papers. Places in the conference program are limited.
Abstract submissions must be completed on this form and submitted via email by 4 April 2025
To assist our smaller associations in hosting a national conference, Professional Historians Australia will be covering the cost of conference registration, as well as morning and afternoon teas on both the Saturday and Sunday of the conference.
Catered lunch will be provided for those who want it, for a small fee (around $25 per day/TBD).
Local associations will also provide bursaries to assist their members to attend the conference.
For those interested in spending a bit more time in Darwin, the conference will include the following events and activities, which may include additional costs:
PHA-organised extra-curricular, professional development activities:
THURSDAY 23 October
Day Tour of historic downtown Darwin and surrounds
Day Visit to the Defence of Darwin Experience
Evening Mindil Beach Sunset Market
FRIDAY 24 October
Morning Tour of the Chung Wah Society
Afternoon Curator-lead tour of MAGNT (Museum and Art Gallery of Northern Territory)
Evening Conference welcome drinks
SATURDAY 25 October
Evening Conference Dinner
Professional Historians Australia AGM will also be held around the conference and PHA members are all warmly invited to attend. Date/time TBD.
Conference program details will be available mid-year when conference registrations open.
We are looking forward to welcoming lively audiences, with the invaluable chance to network in Darwin. However we will also offer an online stream throughout the conference for those unable to attend in person. We are unfortunately not accepting any remote or online presentations.
When you are considering the subject of your paper, please keep in mind that the conference is also a springboard to the next issue of Circa, the PHA's biennial peer-reviewed journal. Issue nine will be published in 2026. Submissions are already open and close in October 2025. The guidelines set out submission requirements. If you prefer to write a review of an exhibition, conference or other projects, please contact the editors to propose a review:
I was thrilled to attend the PHA Conference in Adelaide. Not only was it a chance to catch up with other PHA folk and see the local sites with local guides, the papers presented were really very interesting!
I was very fortunate to be the recipient of a bursary that assisted me to attend the conference, something I really appreciated. I didn’t present as I wasn’t quite sure what to talk about or the format but hope to do so next time in a really welcoming space.
A wonderful outcome from the conference was hearing the work of a fellow PHA member that resonated with work I was doing and led to a collaborative project. I can’t recommend attending the PHA conference enough!
My first PHA conference in 2023 was a fabulous experience. I got to know fellow PHA members from all over Australia and developed deeper relationships with those in my state branch. It was wonderful to hear what everyone was working on and due to the single stream, it was easy to absorb their discussions about their wonderful work. The single stream also makes it very relaxed and collegial, allowing you to really engage with people and ideas.