History Transmitted: connect – consider – challenge A Conference for Professional Historians
The 2020 Professional Historians Australia conference will to be hosted in Brisbane by PHA Queensland on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 August 2020.
The conference organisers call on historians, scholars and researchers to submit abstracts that reflect on their experience and understandings on themes that connect Professional historians with a variety of stakeholders.
PHA Queensland invite papers that discuss how these connections are established and maintained, and the nuances that these connections take across different media and social-cultural demographics.
Abstracts for papers of no more than 150 words accompanied with a biography up to 100 words are due by Friday 28 February 2020. Papers may take the form of extended presentations (50-60 minutes); standard presentations (20-30 minutes) or lightning talks on linked topics (10-15 minutes).
Commissariat Store. Brisbane.
Please list the desired length of your presentation along with any technical requirements (data projection, web connectivity, etc) for your presentation with your abstract. Applicants who are successful will be informed by Friday 13 March, and a draft program will be available shortly thereafter. Papers presented at the 2020 conference are eligible for peer review and publication in Circa, the Professional Historians Australia journal.
For further information, and to submit abstracts, please email: